NTRT Simulator
This is the complete list of members for tgStructure, including all inherited members.
addChild(tgStructure *child) | tgStructure | |
addNode(double x, double y, double z, std::string tags="") | tgStructure | |
addNode(tgNode &newNode) | tgStructure | |
addPair(int fromNodeIdx, int toNodeIdx, std::string tags="") | tgStructure | |
addPair(const btVector3 &from, const btVector3 &to, std::string tags="") | tgStructure | |
addRotation(const btVector3 &fixedPoint, const btVector3 &axis, double angle) | tgStructure | |
addRotation(const btVector3 &fixedPoint, const btVector3 &fromOrientation, const btVector3 &toOrientation) (defined in tgStructure) | tgStructure | |
addRotation(const btVector3 &fixedPoint, const btQuaternion &rotation) (defined in tgStructure) | tgStructure | |
addTags(const std::string &space_separated_tags) (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
addTags(const tgTags &tags) (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
getChildren() const | tgStructure | inline |
getNodes() const | tgStructure | inline |
getPairs() const | tgStructure | inline |
getTags() (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
getTags() const (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
getTagStr(std::string delim=" ") const (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
hasAllTags(std::string tags) (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
hasAnyTags(const std::string tags) (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
hasNoTags() (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
hasTag(const std::string tag) const (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
move(const btVector3 &offset) (defined in tgStructure) | tgStructure | |
setTags(tgTags tags) (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
tgStructure() (defined in tgStructure) | tgStructure | |
tgStructure(const tgTags &tags) (defined in tgStructure) | tgStructure | |
tgStructure(const std::string &space_separated_tags) (defined in tgStructure) | tgStructure | |
tgTaggable() (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
tgTaggable(const std::string &space_separated_tags) (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
tgTaggable(tgTags tags) (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |
~tgStructure() (defined in tgStructure) | tgStructure | virtual |
~tgTaggable() (defined in tgTaggable) | tgTaggable | inline |