| tgPairs (std::vector< tgPair > &pairs) |
std::vector< tgPair > & | getPairs () |
const std::vector< tgPair > & | getPairs () const |
int | addPair (const tgPair &pair) |
int | addPair (tgPair pair, const tgTags &tags) |
int | addPair (tgPair pair, const std::string &space_separated_tags) |
void | setPair (int key, tgPair pair) |
void | move (const btVector3 &offset) |
void | addRotation (const btVector3 &fixedPoint, const btVector3 &axis, double angle) |
void | addRotation (const btVector3 &fixedPoint, const btVector3 &fromOrientation, const btVector3 &toOrientation) |
void | addRotation (const btVector3 &fixedPoint, const btQuaternion &rotation) |
tgPairs & | operator-= (const tgPairs &other) |
tgPairs & | operator-= (const std::vector< tgPair * > other) |
std::vector< tgPair * > | find (std::string tags) |
int | size () const |
std::vector< tgPair * > | findAll () |
std::vector< tgPair * > | findUntagged () |
bool | contains (const tgPair &needle) const |
tgPair & | operator[] (int key) |
const tgPair & | operator[] (int key) const |
tgPair & | operator-= (const tgPair &other) |
tgPair & | operator+= (const tgPair &other) |
tgPair & | operator+= (const std::vector< tgPair * > other) |
static bool | contains (std::vector< tgPair * > haystack, const tgPair *needle) |
int | addElement (tgPairelement) |
void | addElements (std::vector< tgPair * > elements) |
void | setElement (int key, tgPairelement) |
std::vector< tgPair > & | getElements () |
const std::vector< tgPair > & | getElements () const |
void | removeElement (const tgPair &element) |
void | removeElement (const tgPair *element) |
void | removeElements (const std::vector< tgPair > &elements) |
void | removeElements (const std::vector< tgPair * > &elements) |
tgPair & | getElement (int key) |
const tgPair & | getElement (int key) const |
bool | keyExists (int key) const |
bool | elementExists (const tgPair &element) const |
void | assertKeyExists (int key, std::string message="Element at index does not exist") const |
void | assertUnique (tgPair &element, std::string message="Taggable elements must be unique.") |
void | assertUniqueElements (std::string message="Taggable elements must be unique.") const |
tgTaggable * | _taggable (tgPair *obj) |
Definition at line 37 of file tgPairs.h.
Return a vector of pointers to Ts that have all of the specified tags.
Definition at line 64 of file tgTaggables.h.
Is the index within range.
- Parameters
- Return values
true | if key is within range |
false | if key is not within range |
Definition at line 229 of file tgTaggables.h.
Return the complement of this and other
Definition at line 123 of file tgPairs.h.
Remove the elements contained in 'other' from this object
Definition at line 136 of file tgTaggables.h.
Return a non-const reference to the element that is indexed by the int key. It must be in m_elements.
- Parameters
[in] | key | the key of the element to retrieve a const reference to the element that is indexed by idx |
Definition at line 123 of file tgTaggables.h.
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