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Presenting at 2015 NIAC Symposium

Today I just presented progress on our Tensegrity Planetary Lander at the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Symposium. This is a great program which studies advanced technologies which will revolutionize space exploration over the next 10-20 years. There are many amazing technologies being worked on here and wonderful folks to brainstorm with.

My talk starts at the 33 minute mark on the following video, so jump ahead, or enjoy the really cool talk the proceeds mine about how one might capture a spinning astroid using a small tethered space craft.

Posted in Presentations, Robots, Tensegrity.

One Response

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  1. JuanPi says

    Nice to see the advances. Best of luck!
    Today I just finished a chopstick rubber band step: the tensegrity joint.

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