NTRT Simulator
The NASA Tensegrity Robotics Toolkit has taken contributions from a number of students and others supported by various fellowships, institutes and internships. The following is a list of the main contributors to this software:
Ryan Adams | Cyan Data Systems | radams (at) cyandata.com |
Adrian Agogino | UC Santa Cruz/NASA Ames Research Center | adrian.k.agogino (at) nasa.gov |
Perry Bhandal | Queen's University | perry.bhandal (at) queensu.ca |
Lee Brownston | SGT Inc./NASA Ames Research Center | Lee.S.Brownston (at) nasa.gov |
Jonathan Bruce | USRA/UC Santa Cruz | jbruce (at) soe.ucsc.edu |
Ken Caluwaerts | Ghent University/FWO | ken (at) caluwaerts.eu |
Jérémie Despraz | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | jer.despraz (at) gmail.com |
Jeffrey Friesen | UC San Diego | jfriesen (at) ucsd.edu |
Atil Iscen | Oregon State University | atiliscen (at) gmail.com |
Steven Lessard | UC Santa Cruz | slessard (at) ucsc.edu |
Brian Mirletz | Case Western Reserve University | brt6 (at) case.edu |
Alexie Pogue | UC San Diego | alexie.pogue (at) gmail.com |
Andrew Sabelhaus | UC Berkeley | apsabelhaus (at) berkeley.edu |
Vytas SunSpiral | SGT Inc./NASA Ames Research Center | vytas.sunspiral (at) nasa.gov |